To hear another node connected to the reflector you must be connected to the same channel. There are ten channels on each reflector, numbered 0 to 9 and nodes connected to different channels do not hear each other. For example node 9509 refers to reflector 9500 channel 9. All reflector node numbers start with a ‘9’ with the last digit of the number being a channel on that reflector. A reflector allows multiple nodes to connect to it simultaneously and retransmits what it receives from any one node to all others connected. The node may also be connected to a reflector. A list of destinations may be found on the IRLP Website and also on the G4EID-KM8H Status Pages. To connect the node to another node you simply key up and transmit the destination node number via DTMF.

Node 6110 responds to the standard IRLP DTMF code set. Node 6110 is sponsored by CRARC and is currently operational on the 439.950 Mhz repeater on Isaacs Ridge.
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All this with unsurpassed uptimes and the full dynamic range of telephone quality audio. IRLP operates a worldwide network of dedicated servers and nodes offering very stable worldwide voice communications between hundreds of towns and cities. The IRLP uses Voice-Over-IP (VoIP) custom software and hardware. The Internet Repeater Linking Project aims to reliably and inexpensively link amateur radio systems without the use of RF links, leased lines, or satellites.